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What is Autism?

An autistic person is always absorbed in self-centered mental activity (eg. daydreams, delusions, fantasies, hallucinations), exhibiting a marked withdrawal from reality, and the inability to relate to people and situations. Autistic children appear to live in a world of their own, in some cases using language or vocabulary only they understand. Adults often show a stubborn resistance to change. The condition is rare, however, occuring only about two to four persons in every 10,000.

The Signs in children:

  • Delayed in development, particularly in the milestones of social behaviour (eg. smiling and talking).
  • Solitary play and withdrawal from the rest of the family and other people.
  • Apathy (indifference) toward other peoples attempts at communication.
  • Dislike for cuddling.
  • The lack or absence of eye contact.
  • Rote (fixed routine) and compulsive behaviour which, if interrupted, may provoke temper tantrums.
  • Mental retardation, in most.
  • In some, extraordinary talent or brilliance in a specific field (eg drawing, mathematics, music, painting)

  • Injury due to self-mutilation, or to the lack or absence of response to painful stimuli.
Common Causes
The exact cause has not yet been pinpointed, but the disorder is attributed to:
  • Genetic predisposition (hereditary).
  • Failure of the section of the brain that processes stimuli.

What you can do
  • Consult a doctor if you think your child is autistic.
  • Stay positive and be supportive towards your child with autism.
Here is one great example how a mom successfully battle through with autism in her child.

To read more about Autism, you can visit HERE.


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