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Simply the best!
Positive Discipline Dr. Jane Nelsen's Positive Discipline books for parents should be manadatory reading for all parents and teachers. She puts the responsiblity squarely where it belongs - on the adult - and shows us we don't have to use corporal punishment, sarcasm, yelling and screaming to raise or teach a child of any age. A wonderful side benefit of Postivie Discipline is the improvement you can make in ALL relationships in life by putting these principles into practice. As Jane says, and I paraphrase, "Who ever got the crazy idea you could make people do better by making them feel worse?" If we would put ourselves in our child's shoes while we're yelling at them trying to correct them or make a point, or worse hitting them because they did something wrong, we would stop such nonsense in a second. Put her simple and very effective techniques into practice and you'll find a remarkable change occur in the relationships you have with your children. Check out [...] too - there's lots of free stuff there along with great articles. Click Here.

Dr. Emily Senay and Rob Waters have made a signficant contribution to the growing field of personal health care literature that demonstrates both the need for personal responsibility and the pursuit of knowledge for health-related decision making. Traditional family roles have been changing for quite some time and this book gives "a wake up call" to friends, partners and family members about the importance of understanding and coping with health issues that have both short- and long-term consequences for all involved.

The balance of available medical research and personal story is what makes this book different and special. The information is comprehensive,accessible and readable. The writing is well-researched, engaging and interesting. The resources are invaluable. It's a book that will sit prominently on my reference shelf. Click Here


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